Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Giving A Gift Is Always A Gift

For several years now, the GFWC Pasco Juniors have been able to provide a small gift for the children at Sunrise of Pasco's shelter to give on Mother's Day. Sunrise of Pasco is our local domestic and sexual abuse shelter that provides resources and a place to stay for individuals and families that are escaping an abusive situation. They provide a temporary, safe place to stay as these women and children find their way onto the next chapter of their life.

The children in that stay with their mother's in the shelter often do not get to go shopping outside of necessities. So, the GFWC Pasco Juniors bring an activity to them. Many pieces of jewelry have been donated over the years from which the children can choose as a gift for their mom. Along with a few accessories, each child has the opportunity to make a card to share their love and appreciation through this trying time. 

Jewelry selection                 Hand Made Cards from each Child                       Volunteer helping wrap a gift

Want to find out how you can get involved in activities like this? Follow the GFWC Pasco Juniors on Facebook to find out which events and activities are coming up next.

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