Thursday, April 20, 2017

All About the GFWC Home Life Community Service Program

THE GFWC HOME LIFE COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM deals with  issues that affect the well-being of individuals, families and communities  by providing opportunities and resources to meet and address needs through volunteering. Clubs may develop and imple-ment projects that promote a healthy lifestyle, increase awareness, prevention, research, and treatment of  disease; target personal development; address the issues of  hunger, inadequate housing, and homelessness; and/or prevent  or correct 􀀀inancial dif􀀀iculties, women’s health, theft prevention, service dog programs, people with disabilities, healthy lifestyles, and childcare.

  • Research problems in your community that are largely unaddressed and identify those who are underserved.   Work on programs & projects that focus on the identified needs.
  • Promote the acquisition of correct health and safety information from the Centers for Disease Control and  Prevention at
  • Plan programs on women’s heart health. Expand the programs beyond the club level to in-volve the community. Utilize information located at for program ideas.
  • Sponsor a National Wear Red Day® celebration (First Friday in February each year).
  • Learn the basic facts about gynecologic cancer, including risk factors and screening options. Establish information sharing sessions and utilize resources located at
  • Plan programs on breast cancer awareness.
  • Offer free mammograms to the needy.
  • Organize and/or participate in health fairs and forums.
  • Learn about proper medication utilization and the issues with prescription drug addiction.
  • Create a resource list of local women’s clinics and health centers and distribute it in public areas such as shelters, places of worship, and libraries.
  • Educate club members and the community regarding the “Make the First Five Count” Initia-tive.  Visit for information.
  • Visit the autism website to learn more about autism. Utilize the knowledge to educate others within  the community.
  • Incorporate fitness activities into your club and community activities, including walking or yoga.  Sponsor a fun run.
  • Start an exercise group in your club, then initiate a weight loss challenge in your club and keep  track of pounds lost.
  • Promote healthy self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Organize financial workshops for women, retirees, single parents, and/or college students.
  • Work with local food banks and homeless shelters to provide needed donations, stock shelves,  and provide other volunteer services.
  • Work with local agencies that provide supportive services to the homeless and mentally chal-lenged  by volunteering at fundraisers and local events.
  • Partner with a local nursing home or mental health facility to enhance the quality of life for the elderly  and disabled.
  • Organize clothing drives. Partner with other local agencies to dis-tribute to the needy.
  • Participate/ donate to Canine Companions for Independence (Dog Fest)

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